Pickles is a male Black Phantom F1 AussieDoodle puppy.
Congrats to: Angie and family from Charlestown, MA on this Boy, Pickles.
AwesomeDoodle puppy review / comments submitted by Angie and family from Charlestown, MA on their F1 AussieDoodle:
"Our Pickles is the LOVE OF OUR LIFE. I've never met a more calm, well behaved, loving and BEAUTIFUL puppy. He melts everyone's heart who meets him. He's playful and fun outside with other puppies and calm, sweet and cuddly inside with EVERYONE!! We are beyond grateful for this perfect little angel."
Penny X Ranger F1 AussieDoodles
Born: March 16, 2021
Estimated Size: 20-35lbs
Go Home Dates: May 11, 2021 to May 18, 2021