Pepper X Teddy F1 AussieDoodle Puppies
Estimated Size: 15-25lbs
Born: August 6, 2021
Go Home Dates: October 1, 2021 to October 8, 2021
Limited puppy nanny flights, please inquire ahead
Raised by: Jordan & Angela in Ashley, Ohio
Colors possible in this litter
Cherry – Black Tri-Color AussieDoodle
Congrats to: Jonathan and family from Alexandria, Virginia on this Girl
Oliver — Ollie – Black Tri-Color AussieDoodle
Congrats to: Susan and family from Lebanon, TN on this Boy
"Ollie is taking the transition like a champ! He has such a calm disposition that nothing has bothered him yet, not even the vacuum, or an indoor volleyball match. He acted like he'd won the lottery when he was introduced to our big standard poodle. They are fast friends. He has settled in so quickly it's difficult to believe it's only been over a week since we picked him up. He is a beautiful pup with a sweet, lovable, people loving personality!"