Breed: Australian Shepherd
Weight: 32lbs
Makes: F1 AussieDoodles
Raised by: Jennifer in Kennesaw, Georgia
Sadee - The Adventure Dog!
If you are looking for adventure, Sadee pups are for you!! Sadee is a red merle miniature Australian Shepherd, weighing in at 30 pounds. This little lady enjoys an active lifestyle. She loves the lake life; swimming, riding in the kayak, boating, and playing fetch . She’s a wonderful travel buddy! Sadee loves to go everywhere and anywhere- but most especially school car pool line to puck up her favorite playmates! She’s the perfect mix of stamina and calm. She can go for that long hike, and also be content with lazy days around the house. For the more quiet times, she sits watching the birds.
Sadee is very intelligent, obedient, loyal and eager to please her people. She’s a master at cuddles and snuggles. She’s got a sweet temperament, never having met a stranger.
Sadee's past puppies:
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