Miss North Dakota USA, gets an AwesomeDoodle is a male Blue Merle w/White F1 AussieDoodle puppy.
Congrats to: Congratulations Jaci and her Husband Kolt on this Boy, Miss North Dakota USA, gets an AwesomeDoodle.
AwesomeDoodle puppy review / comments submitted by Congratulations Jaci and her Husband Kolt on their F1 AussieDoodle:
"The reason I chose AwesomeDoodle for my new little AussieDoodle puppy wasn't just because they have pretty puppies. In fact, when I signed up, my puppy wasn't even born yet. I chose AwesomeDoodle after I studied their website, and saw how much time and energy they put into their puppies. AwesomeDoodle offers a unique experience, allowing you to know exactly how and where you puppy is being raised. I valued having a relationship with the people raising my puppy. Not only did I get that, I got to SEE my puppy being raised, and bond with my aussiedoodle before I even met it; I watched him every day on the puppy cam. I saw everything. I saw Tom, Diane, & Morgan getting in the puppy box - petting him and loving on him. I saw how he played with his litter mates. I felt like I knew him so entirely before I even held him or brought him home. There's no other breeder doing anything like this. We're hooked."