Franklin is a male Phantom Blue Merle F1 AussieDoodle puppy.
Congrats to: Neil from New York, NY on this Boy, Franklin.
AwesomeDoodle puppy review / comments submitted by Neil from New York, NY on their F1 AussieDoodle:
"Franklin loves playing with anything that squeaks just as much as he loves burrowing himself into pillows on the couch. He’s interested in other dogs but is still a little shy on the playing front. He walks on a leash nice and is SO good with new people. He’s been on the subway, in stores, near fountains and sprinklers, and even taken the bus in the city. He is very interested in pools, and likes to sit on the first step, but has yet to swim. He’s good in the car as well. He goes into his crate, which is right next to my bed, at 10:30 every night and nuzzles to sleep. Franklin loves frozen green beans, ice cubes, frozen towels to chew on, and any food puzzle game. He loves bully sticks. He hates the vacuum and when I go in the shower. He likes to lay on the cold tile on the bathroom floors. Thanks for all of the communication and tip/advice over the past 9 weeks since I picked him up. I am so happy to have found such a great dog, and AwesomeDoodle made what could have been a VERY stressful experience very rewarding, and the best bonding experience for me and my new buddy."

Roux X Teddy F1 AussieDoodles
Born: May 13, 2021
Go Home Dates: July 8, 2021 to July 15, 2021
Notes: Delivery to Mill Hall, PA possible on July 10th for $250 - PLEASE INQUIRE AHEAD