Cody is a male Blue Merle w/ White & Copper F1 AussieDoodle puppy.
Congrats to: Kathy and family from DeKalb, Illinois on this Boy, Cody.
AwesomeDoodle puppy review / comments submitted by Kathy and family from DeKalb, Illinois on their F1 AussieDoodle:
"Cody is 7 months old and is the smartest most loving dog I have ever owned! He has sailed through puppy and advanced puppy class and is now working on Canine Good Citizen! We are hoping to take him all the way to become a therapy dog!"

Faith X Teddy F1 AussieDoodles
Born: December 20, 2021
Estimated Size: 15-25lbs
Go Home Dates: February 14, 2022 to March 10, 2022
Notes: Possible ground delivery to Bellafonte, PA for a fee. Inquire ahead for more info.

7 weeks old

6 weeks old

5 weeks old

4 weeks old

3 weeks old

2 weeks old