Koda is a female Black Tri-Color F1 AussieDoodle puppy.
Congrats to: Paul and family from Spicewood, TX on this Girl, Koda.
AwesomeDoodle puppy review / comments submitted by Paul and family from Spicewood, TX on their F1 AussieDoodle:
"Koda is doing great! We started puppy class the week she got home (local place offers a sanitized environment for pups not fully vaccinated) and she’s been super well behaved with the other pups and gets along with everyone. She’s also extremely focused for her age and equally motivated by treats or toys. She has excellent eye contact and will offer calm behaviors even when there are distractions. We started day one with behavior shaping, but that quickly transitioned to learning commands. By week 10 she had sit, down, stay, shake, rollover all nailed down. Our favorite is “play dead” after a finger pistol “bang” motion? Toy-wise she takes after her mom Juno as a fetch machine, and naturally caught on to the idea of bringing the ball back to us, and will calmly sit until we throw it again. She also seems to have inherited Charlie’s temperament as she is a small dog without any of the yippy and annoying small dog characteristics. The only real challenge we’re still working on is separation anxiety. She’s a total velcro dog and doesn’t enjoy being alone. She’s content in her crate for the most part, so we’re slowly working on making that her safe space to be alone in. Thanks!"

Juno X Charley F1 AussieDoodles
Born: January 4, 2021
Go Home Dates: March 1, 2021 to March 8, 2021
Notes: Delivery to Baltimore, MD available for additional fee