JakJak is a male Black Tri-Color F1 AussieDoodle puppy.
Congrats to: Tracy and family from Kiowa, CO on this Boy, JakJak.
AwesomeDoodle puppy review / comments submitted by Tracy and family from Kiowa, CO on their F1 AussieDoodle:
"He might be the smartest puppy ever ? you might think I’m biased but I’ve barely had to work with this guy or teach him things…he just gets it almost right away…sometimes I think he speaks English because he just knows what I say. So far he’s mastered in any environment and with the other dogs here, sit, down, enough, go potty, eat your own (food), get a toy, off (except the dishwasher), give it (unless it’s food), he plays fetch if the other two aren’t around so he does – ready – go get it – bring it here – give it really well, and gentle…the other day he bit on me a little hard and I said gentle and he just held my hand in his mouth super soft and looked at me. We’re still working on leave it…he’s great at it unless he just decides to ignore you a little and then you may have to go help…it will come with time and look is mediocre but we really just need to work on it more and I say “leash” when we put collars and leashes on…sometimes he’s good and sometimes he can’t not try to bite it. he’s great at wait at the house door but we struggle at the gates and at my husbands work he did when I had to go out the door but he barked at me a couple times to say he wasn’t happy about it ? He's really just about the best little guy we could have asked for…he’s just calm and mellow, he plays great with the other two…if he’s not with them he’s super happy to play on his own with toys, he loves when you pet him or give him attention but if you don’t that’s fine too! He barely jumps on anyone, he lines up for treats with he other dogs and waits his turn (unless it’s a sardine…then he’s not polite…but it’s improving). He’s just a super easy guy and just happy almost all the time! We totally love him and enjoy having him…I’m sure some things will pop up along the way but if the first 2 months are any indication working through them will be a breeze with this guy! If we had him first I’d probably get 5 more!! Just joking…I’m pretty sure we are done! Our clan is all happy, mostly very nicely trained, and they all enjoy playing together really nicely and have so much fun!! He loves his big brother and sister but I love that he’s super independent too and doesn’t need them for support. Enzo and Lexi both do well apart too except that Lexi gets bored and needs attention if the other two aren’t around, but outside of that we’re super happy with our AwesomeDoodle clan!! Individually they are all almost perfect..all together in public a little less but not horrible…our goal this summer is to fix that!! I wouldn’t trade them for anything!! And when we go out I almost always have someone ask where we got our puppies and write down your website…so hopefully some other puppies can find super nice homes!"

Lexi X Teddy F1 AussieDoodles
Born: December 26, 2021
Go Home Dates: February 20, 2022 to March 6, 2022
Notes: Possible ground delivery to Bellafonte, PA for a fee. Inquire ahead for more info.