Nauset is a female Red Tri-Color F1 AussieDoodle puppy.
Congrats to: Emily and family from Collegeville, PA on this Girl, Nauset.
AwesomeDoodle puppy review / comments submitted by Emily and family from Collegeville, PA on their F1 AussieDoodle:
"First off, thank you for making the process of getting a puppy (a first for our family—we have never had a dog) so enjoyable. Second, the guides and videos, suggestions of toys/treats/crates were invaluable. And lastly, thank you for giving us the missing piece to our family puzzle. My husband and I have one daughter, now 9. We fell into our routine and were very happy just being the “three musketeers”. It’s a hard transition to go from your uninterrupted daily schedule of 3 to having a puppy (aka newborn). But we literally can’t imagine what life without her would be like. She’s SUCH A GOOD DOG!!!!! We stuck to all your advice and training and everyone says she’s a polite puppy with a BIG personality. Nauset does her commands flawlessly (sit, stay, “more”—taps our knee with nose instead of jumping for food)—unless she’s mad about something then she acts a tad sassy which is still cute?. But she loves us too much to hold onto it. She is absolutely gorgeous—we get stopped daily and asked where we got her and always point them in your direction. Most of all, Nauset knows we are her people and she is our family—we would do anything for her. We love her so much and she shows us love everyday. My daughter got her fur sister and Nauset has completed our family without a doubt."
Harley Quinn X Rocket F1 AussieDoodles
Born: March 26, 2023
Go Home Dates: May 21, 2023 to May 28, 2023
7 weeks
6 weeks
5 weeks
4 weeks
3 weeks old
2 weeks old