ZuZu is a female Phantom Blue Merle F1 AussieDoodle puppy.
Congrats to: Diane and family from Easton, PA on this Girl, ZuZu.
AwesomeDoodle puppy review / comments submitted by Diane and family from Easton, PA on their F1 AussieDoodle:
"Absolutely in love with our new little girl Zuzu!!! She was a dream on the 9 hour car ride from Kentucky to PA and slept the majority of the way home in my lap or snuggled by my side ? She had some BIG puppy crazy time last night once we got her settled home, but is pretty outgoing, calm, and super snuggly when in non-crazy mode. She is whip smart and learning SO quickly. These are truly genius dogs!" - Diane

Darla X Humphrey F1 AussieDoodles
Born: November 8, 2020
Estimated Size: 25-40lbs
Go Home Dates: January 3, 2021 to January 10, 2021