Tessa is a female Black Phantom F1 AussieDoodle puppy.
Congrats to: Paula and family from Noblesville, IN on this Girl, Tessa.
AwesomeDoodle puppy review / comments submitted by Paula and family from Noblesville, IN on their F1 AussieDoodle:
"Just wanted to let you know Tessa is amazing…. 25 pounds of sweetness. Well behaved, gentle, loves any age people and dogs. Easy to train. Silly and goofy… We can’t write enough of what joy she had brought to us. We would recommend Darla puppies and AwesomeDoodle with confidence."

Darla X Humphrey F1 AussieDoodles
Born: November 8, 2020
Estimated Size: 25-40lbs
Go Home Dates: January 3, 2021 to January 10, 2021