River MKC is a male Blue Merle w/White F1 AussieDoodle puppy.
Congrats to: Kimberly and family from Noblesville, IN on this Boy, River MKC.
AwesomeDoodle puppy review / comments submitted by Kimberly and family from Noblesville, IN on their F1 AussieDoodle:
"AwesomeDoodle changed the way I view the process of having an adorable new baby join my family. AwesomeDoodle dotted all the I’s and crossed all the T’s with every step of the way being a meticulous journey. The entire experience was stellar and allowed me to bond to my new baby before ever bringing him home. The 24/7 customer service and webcam put my mind at ease as I anxiously waited for my turn to have him in my arms. The personalized weekly photos and videos from my reputable breeder permitted me to see his transformation and growth. I was also thrilled that AwesomeDoodle promoted and established training and care after I pick up my baby. The entire experience was outstanding and one that reassured me that I made the right decision. Thank you for the gift of my baby River, he is the love of my life."
Arla X Champ F1 AussieDoodles
Born: May 23, 2023
Go Home Dates: July 18, 2023 to July 25, 2023
Notes: Airport pickup TOL Toledo, DET Detroit
7 weeks
6 weeks
5 weeks
4 weeks
3 weeks
2 weeks