AussieDoodle Questions and Answers

You’ve got Aussie Doodle Questions? We’ve got all the answers.

When you get your new little AussiePoo puppy, we know you’re going to have lots of questions about it. We’ve got tons of Q&A here and if you can’t find what you’re looking for, email us and we will help you.

Click the articles below to learn how to get ready for your new puppy.

My puppy is a picky eater (or a food monster). What do I do?

If your puppy's appetite has declined, you may have spoiled him already. Some puppies are picky eaters and some puppies eat so quickly, they barely chew their food. This article will tell you what you need to know to combat both of these behaviors.

My puppy is a picky eater (or a food monster). What do I do?

My puppy annoys my older dog

Q: My new puppy is constantly trying to engage my older dog to play. He annoys my older dog to the point where my dog growls at puppy, and I try to supervise so nothing bad will happen. What should I do?

My puppy annoys my older dog

Introducing your puppy to other pets in your home

Q: How should we introduce our new puppy to our older dog? A: I was nervous about how everything would work with introducing my two pups. Once you have a routine down, it's hard to imagine how adding another pup will shake everything up. Remember, all dogs are different, so you'll need to use your own judgement when you first introduce your adult dog to new puppy. The goal is to make it a good experience for puppy. If you spoke to five different trainers, they would probably tell you five different ways to introduce them. Here's our method:

Introducing your puppy to other pets in your home

AussieDoodle’s Favorite Things

Q:  I'm so excited and getting ready for my pup to come home.  What kind of toys, treats and supplies are your favorite for AussieDoodles?

AussieDoodle’s Favorite Things

When to Spay or Neuter your pup

For spaying and neutering, any time four months or older is considered safe by most vets.  Spaying and neutering kind of stops puberty from progressing so it's a fine line of not doing it too early so they can finish growing, but also not waiting too long. However new studies are showing that dogs do best when they are altered after they are full grown, especially for females.

When to Spay or Neuter your pup

Boy vs. Girl AussieDoodle Puppies

Q:  Should I get a girl or a boy Doodle? I've had my heart set on a girl pup, but I'm not sure I want to pass up a boy pup if I'm offered one.  Can you tell me the differences?

Boy vs. Girl AussieDoodle Puppies

How to stop Puppy Biting

Q:  We are having a huge issue with our AussieDoodle puppy biting and jumping.  I have worked so hard with her trying to distract her with toys (that rarely works), time outs (I leave the space), reward her when she sits down.  And it is not just puppy crazy time. It is all of the time, except when she’s sleeping.  What else can I do?

How to stop Puppy Biting

How to stop my AussieDoodle from Digging

Q:  My new AussieDoodle puppy is definitely a bundle of energy which has brought some challenges! She REALLY likes to dig and eat up all my plants.  We are trying to distract her with other toys or move to other rooms to play when she starts to fixate on something (ie plants outside or piece of furniture.  Let me know if I should try anything else.

How to stop my AussieDoodle from Digging