Sestra – Black Tuxedo AussieDoodle
Congrats to: Kim and family from High View, WV on this Girl
"It's hard to believe we've had Sestra for 9 weeks already. It's been a lot of fun watching the dynamic between her and Hemi and they've fast become the best of buds. It's been amazing getting a second AwesomeDoodle. The challenges I had with Hemi are virtually non-existent with Sestra, and I give Hemi all of the credit for that as he is the one that takes the brunt of Sestra's puppy crazy time and incessant biting. Hemi has been a real trooper and because he's the one to burn off her energy, she's quite the lovable, calm, snuggle bug with us. It's been absolutely great. Her training has gone extremely well and I'm still shocked at how well she listens for a 4 month old puppy. I attribute this to Hemi as he seems to have taught her the cues to the behaviors we're expecting. She has a fantastic "sit" and "down", a very strong "leave it", "stay" and "release" and a pretty good "come" (excellent without distractions, and pretty decent when outdoors with distractions). She understands and complies with "off" and "enough" (used to calm her when she becomes exceptionally rowdy with Hemi) and is spectacular with our "no bite" command which has prevented many holes in us, Hemi, and our blankets! She's been taught to ring bells to both go out and to come back in and she's been consistently utilizing them for several weeks now. She's only met a few other dogs so far and was a little timid with my sister's humongous 100+ pound golden retriever and incredibly tall and rambunctious mixed breed shepherd, but after her initial reluctance, she was accepting, if not fully appreciative, of their attention. She absolutely loves people and her little tail starts wagging when she sees people even at a distance. She's a wonderful traveler and has adapted fabulously to traveling and living in our camper. She rides on our ATV with us and did absolutely great on a recent trip to an ATV park; she wasn't scared at all of the noise and commotion and would just wag her tail when other people rode by. She has developed a respectful relationship with my chickens and is able to mingle with them while they're free ranging. Stuart the Rooster has accepted her into his flock and she has a healthy understanding of which hens prefer she stays further away so she wisely keeps her distance from them. :) We couldn't be happier with her and we're so glad we decided to get a second AD. She has a great personality, she's a nice size, she's been a wonderful friend for Hemi, and a lovable and attentive companion for us. We love her to death and pray she lives a super long and healthy life with us and her big brother, Hemi Doodle.
I also wanted to let you know that our second experience with AwesomeDoodle was even better than the first (this time we got to watch the puppy cam!!) so thank you for being a wonderful resource and a great breeder. A special thanks to Michelle and Mark who we have no doubt influenced the snuggly personality and foundational training for Sestra. You guys rock!"