Makes: F1 AussieDoodles
Raised by: Jennifer in Kennesaw, Georgia

Cali - She is a beautiful blue merle Australian Shepherd.
Cali is a miniature sized blue merle Australian Shepherd with copper. If you’re looking for the perfect family pet, Cali’s AussieDoodle puppies might be for you. Cali is one of our lower energy dogs, she rarely barks, and she’s never far from her family. Cali goes everywhere with the family and loves to ride in the car, go to the kid’s school events, and meet new people. Cali is quite loyal to her family. When the family is spread out in the house, Cali will go from room to room to check on everyone, including the kids.
Cali could not be more beautiful. Anywhere we take her, people always ask about her. Cali doesn’t have a mean bone in her body. Not only is she a registered service dog, she has obtained her Canine Good Citizen, her Novice Trick Dog title, and her Intermediate Trick dog title! This little girl loves to perform, and bond with her people!