
Breed: Australian Shepherd

Weight: 20lbs

Makes: F1 AussieDoodles

Raised by: Natalie in Collinsville, Texas

Gertie - "Fun Size" Aussie Mama

Gertie is our “fun size” Aussie weighing in at 20lbs. Gertie was bred by my best friend Tobey who raises great family dogs. Gertie is very friendly and social. She’s not intimidated by strangers and loves new people. She’s part of our “Arena Team” that goes with us to rope and ride in the evenings. She’s great because she sticks around and doesn’t run off. She also helps us work the cows when we need her. Don’t let her small stature fool you, she’s a legit cow doggo! She loves to swim and goes to the lake with us in the summer. She’s also the only dog we let sleep in the bed because she doesn’t take up much space and is a good snuggler. She does think she’s a little better than the rest of the dogs, but we don’t tell her any different. She really loves to lie on the couch at night and has her own favorite blanket. Everyone love Gertie and we know you’re going to love her puppies!


Gertie's past puppies:

HersheyBlack Tri-Color AussieDoodle

I’m Available!

Kit KatBlue Merle w/White AussieDoodle

I’m Available!

Baby RuthRed Merle w/ White & Copper AussieDoodle

Congrats to: Ismo and family from El Dorado Hills, CA on this Girl

ZiggyBlue Merle w/ White & Copper AussieDoodle

Congrats to: Paula and family from Philadelphia, PA on this Boy

ButterfingerBlack Tri-Color AussieDoodle

I’m Available!

RubyRed Merle w/ White & Copper AussieDoodle

Congrats to: Kelly and family from Midland, Texas on this Girl

Milky WayBlue Merle w/ White & Copper AussieDoodle

Congrats to: grace and family from Miami, Florida on this Boy

SnickersBlue Merle w/ White & Copper AussieDoodle

I’m Available!

blue merle aussiedoodle puppy with children

OliverBlue Merle w/ White & Copper AussieDoodle

Congrats to: Amanda and family from Chatham, IL on this Boy