Breed: Australian Shepherd
Weight: 35lbs
Makes: F1 AussieDoodles
Raised by: Susan’s Toy size Aussiepoos in Louisville, KY

Journey -
Journey is a mini Australian Shepherd weighing about 35 pounds. She is 18 months old and I have had her since she was 9 weeks old. We love her beautiful silky coat a nice whit blaze on her face and a full white collar. She has one solid blue eye and one marble blue and amber eye.
She lives with 2 “sister” dogs that are 5 years old. She has the Aussie trait of herding but reserved for the dogs and not her humans! Journey is not overly submissive or dominant but a happy go lucky girl.She will alert us if something unusual is going on but she is not a barker.
She is a fast learner and has excellent eye contact. She has completed two AKC obedience classes, Novice and Open Obedience. She will start a Scent class in June 2022. We are fortunate to have an excellent trainer for her. She can be happy fetching or in agility or just relaxing with her people.S he is very friendly with everyone, adults and children alike. She was very interested and gentle with our last litter of puppies and I know she will be a great Awesomedoodle mommy!
Journey's past puppies:

Lukas – Phantom Blue Merle AussieDoodle
Congrats to: Pablo and family from Jamaica, Queens, NY on this Boy

Teddy (Theodore Scott) – Phantom Blue Merle AussieDoodle
Congrats to: Amy and family from Sterrett, Alabama on this Boy

Slinky – Phantom Blue Merle AussieDoodle
Congrats to: Victoria and family from Obetz, OHIO on this Boy

Mealla Louis (pronounced Mel uh Louie) – Black Phantom AussieDoodle
Congrats to: Debra and family from La Salle, MI on this Girl