
Breed: Australian Shepherd

Weight: 20lbs

Makes: none at this time

Raised by: Erin in Louisville, KY

Juno - She is my little shadow.

Juno is the perfect jogging partner, swimmer, boater, golf cart rider, she does it all. Juno is a perfect example of a “velcro” dog, and she loves everyone, even strangers. Juno is full sister to Pumpkin. Juno is incredibly affectionate and doesn’t let her owners out of her sight. She’s the type of dog that can mingle with you around the neighborhood, and you’ll be perfectly comfortable that she’s not going to run away. All the neighbors love Juno. She is one happy camper. Juno is one of our higher energy dogs, but she is also ready to snuggle up on the couch with you any time you want. She has no problem keeping up with you on hikes. If you want a frizbee star dog, agility dog, or trick dog, Juno is your girl. Juno is comfortable going anywhere. She is not shy at all. Juno only barks when someone comes to the door. She’s not a digger or a chewer. She’ll take some belly rubs anytime you’re ready to give em, and then she’ll ask to go outside and play frizbee. She already knows some super cool frizbee tricks!

This dog is no longer making puppies, and is living in it's furever home with it's furever family.

Juno's past puppies:

black phantom aussiedoodle puppy wearing sweater

PoppyBlack Phantom AussieDoodle

Congrats to: Marin and family from Manhattan, NY on this Girl

RioBlack Phantom AussieDoodle

Congrats to: Deb and family from Bowie, MD on this Boy

NikkiBlack Phantom AussieDoodle

Congrats to: Linda and family from Morristown, NJ on this Girl

blue eyed black phantom aussiedoodle

KodaBlack Phantom AussieDoodle

Congrats to: Lindsey and family from Alpharetta, GA on this Girl

"As we approach miss Koda’s 1st birthday, we wanted to give you an update on our beautiful pup and thank you for the experience! Koda is definitely the smartest dog I’ve ever met. She’s cuddly and sweet. She absolutely loves to be outside and loves walks/runs. She’s a very curious girl, even her normal walk/run routes provide ample opportunity for new adventures. She loves chasing birds and is hopeful one day she’ll find a way to get one. Koda loves her family and is so patient even with her two youngest human brothers who love to play chase with her. I honestly couldn’t have hoped for a better dog. She’s still on the smaller side, but she’s grown well over the past year. Despite looking smaller, she can jump incredible heights. She goes to doggy day care once a week and they all laugh at how she jumps over all the barrier walls to get where she wants to be. She even flips when she jumps sometimes, which amazes us. She was so easy to house train and so easy to love. Koda and the cat still aren’t best friends, though everyday Koda tries her best to win the cat over! We are so happy she is part of our family!"

RamenBlack Phantom AussieDoodle

Congrats to: April and family from austin, TX on this Boy

MochaBlack Phantom AussieDoodle

Congrats to: Dan and family from San Jose, CA on this Girl

MoxiBlack Phantom AussieDoodle

Congrats to: Phil and family from Ankeny, Iowa on this Girl

black phantom aussiedoodle puppy with white chest

FlintBlack Phantom AussieDoodle

Congrats to: Kate and family from San Francisco, CA on this Boy

ApolloPhantom Blue Merle AussieDoodle

Congrats to: Christine and family from Marietta, GA on this Boy

CopperBlack Phantom AussieDoodle

Congrats to: Elena and family from Huntington Beach, CA on this Girl

lake aussiedoodle black tri coloring

KodaBlack Tri-Color AussieDoodle

Congrats to: Paul and family from Spicewood, TX on this Girl

"Koda is doing great! We started puppy class the week she got home (local place offers a sanitized environment for pups not fully vaccinated) and she’s been super well behaved with the other pups and gets along with everyone. She’s also extremely focused for her age and equally motivated by treats or toys. She has excellent eye contact and will offer calm behaviors even when there are distractions. We started day one with behavior shaping, but that quickly transitioned to learning commands. By week 10 she had sit, down, stay, shake, rollover all nailed down. Our favorite is “play dead” after a finger pistol “bang” motion? Toy-wise she takes after her mom Juno as a fetch machine, and naturally caught on to the idea of bringing the ball back to us, and will calmly sit until we throw it again. She also seems to have inherited Charlie’s temperament as she is a small dog without any of the yippy and annoying small dog characteristics. The only real challenge we’re still working on is separation anxiety. She’s a total velcro dog and doesn’t enjoy being alone. She’s content in her crate for the most part, so we’re slowly working on making that her safe space to be alone in. Thanks!"
black phantom aussiedoodle puppy with white

BlueBlack Phantom AussieDoodle

Congrats to: Sophia and Family from New York City, NY on this Boy

"I wanted to send you guys another small update on our sweet boy Blue aka Roku! He’s doing so well and has gotten huge! He is now 37 pounds and has a ton of hair. He loves doing tricks and was so easy to train, he is now fully trained. My personal favorite trick he does is “bang” or play dead. It’s so sweet when he rolls over and lies down. He loves playing fetch and chasing after a stick or ball or really anything thrown away from him. He’s a big fan of the ocean but not so much the pool. When we bring him to the beach he runs straight for the water and splashes around. He’s also very much a city dog and loves exploring the streets of New York City. His best friend is actually a Great Dane puppy who lives next door to us and they can play for hours on end. Blue is such a cuddly puppy and loves to roll onto his back and receive rubs. He also loves being brushed and always gets excited when I take out his hair brush. He loves treats, especially beaf and for some reason also adores receiving a cube of ice. He will try to bite at it and usually it will roll on the ground which he will then chase after it until he manages to get a hold of it. He’s an amazing dog and we are so grateful to you guys. He also has an Instagram if you ever want more photo updates on how he’s doing! It’s called blue_boy_the_aussiedoodle."