Makes: none at this time
Raised by: Natalie in Collinsville, Texas

Kindle - Kindle is a full standard sized Australian Shepherd.
She is full size of fun, and full size of love. Kindle weighs approximately 50lbs and is 19″ tall. Kindle loves to play with other dogs, is very friendly with strangers, and always waiting for what you want to do next. One of the coolest things she does, is when I ride my horse in the arena, she lays there watching and waiting for me. She is very focused on me and my actions. She’s always eager to see what I’m up to next because she doesn’t want to be left out. You can’t turn around without Kindle being right there. At the end of the day, she’s happy to be in the house, snuggled up at your feet or preferably in the bed (but she’s not allowed). Her puppies are wonderful family dogs or the perfect active partner for your outdoor adventures.
This dog is no longer making puppies, and is living in it's furever home with it's furever family.
Kindle's past puppies:

Darby – Black Tri-Color AussieDoodle
Congrats to: Amy and family from San Rafael, California on this Girl

Pumba – Blue Merle w/ White & Copper AussieDoodle
Congrats to: Vidhan and family from Fremont, CA on this Boy

Cooper – Blue Merle w/ White & Copper AussieDoodle
Congrats to: Samantha and family from Trumbull, CT on this Boy

Hendricks – Phantom Blue Merle AussieDoodle
Congrats to: Sara and family from Huntington Beach, California on this Boy

Charlie – Phantom Blue Merle AussieDoodle
Congrats to: Michele and family from Alexandria, VA on this Girl

Ramsay – Black Phantom AussieDoodle
Congrats to: Michelle and family from Rocky River, Ohio on this Girl