Makes: none at this time
Raised by: Jennifer in Kennesaw, Georgia

Lulu - She is THE PERFECT family dog!
Little Lulu (AKA Lucille Ball) is an absolutely stunning mini red merle aussie. We waited a very long time to get this girl! She is THE PERFECT family dog! She has never met a stranger, and is known to even get her feelings hurt if strangers don’t stop and play with her. Of course, as stunning as she is, this rarely happens – everyone loves her! Lulu has a long list of LOVES herself: first is her family, she cannot get enough of her three young human siblings. She is in the middle of all their play time – giving kisses to giggling faces, playing tag or fetch, going on car rides for fun adventures, and most of all is family snuggle time with lots of belly rubs. Lulu is one of the best natured dogs in AwesomeDoodle. Intelligence abounds in this girl, and she learns new tricks in the drop of a hat. She is obedient and wants to please. What gets her most excited and brings out that wiggle butt is when she hears “good girl lulu baby”. Lulu is the daughter of Thor, one of Awesomedoodle’s top stud muffins. This little girl was well worth the wait and we can’t wait to see her puppies! You can’t go wrong with a Lulu puppy, she’s amazing all around!
This dog is no longer making puppies, and is living in it's furever home with it's furever family.
Lulu's past puppies:

Kingsley – Blue Merle w/ White & Copper AussieDoodle
Congrats to: Chelsea and family from Katy, Texas on this Girl

Berdie Mae – Blue Merle w/ White & Copper AussieDoodle
Congrats to: Jessica and family from Pearland, TX on this Girl

Luna – Black Tri-Color AussieDoodle
Congrats to: Sarah and family from New Smyrna Beach, FL on this Girl

Holly – Phantom Blue Merle AussieDoodle
Congrats to: J. and family from Broomfield, Colorado on this Girl