Makes: F1b AussieDoodles
Raised by: Leah in Fort Wayne, Indiana

Pixel - Heart of gold, kiss master, alarm clock, that’s our Pixel.
Otherwise known as Pixie Poo, Pickles and ChaCha. Pixel is an F1 AussieDoodle and she is extremely loving, full of energy, kind hearted companion. Pixel is very sensitive and and in tune with people and feelings, and sometimes that means it may take a little bit for her to warm up to strangers. For those she knows and loves, she welcomes with great love and excitement. She has made it her job to be the protector of the home and alerts us of concerns until we tell her “thank you”. Pixel is not only loyal to her family, but also with her toys. She proudly keeps close her favorite toy or sock – dirty or clean, folded or single, it doesn’t matter, she carries them around like a trophy and always has them near. It’s sweet and endearing. Pixel loves to fetch and play in the backyard. She has been the easiest dog to train. In fact, she potty trained in just one day. That’s right, 1 day! Pixel will do whatever it takes to please her family and is most happy when she is with us, wherever that may be. She loves to snuggle and tuck her head into our chest for the warm embrace of a hug. Weighing about 15 pounds, Pixel is a first generation mini Aussiedoodle and has (in my opinion) the most beautiful prance with her long legs and her pompom tail held high. Pixel beams with love and loyalty and is an excellent family dog.
Pixel's past puppies:

Peaches – Blue Merle w/White AussieDoodle
Congrats to: Lawrence and family from Rockaway Beach, NY on this Girl

London – Blue Merle w/White AussieDoodle
Congrats to: Jessica and family from Morgantown, WV on this Girl

Dakota – Blue Merle w/White AussieDoodle
Congrats to: Emily and family from Chicago, IL on this Girl