Juno X Humphrey F1 AussieDoodle Puppies
Estimated Size: 15-30lbs
Born: July 30, 2021
Go Home Dates: September 24, 2021 to October 1, 2021
Limited puppy nanny flights, please inquire ahead
Delivery to SFO on 9/23 ONLY for $500
Raised by: Erin in Louisville, KY

Colors possible in this litter

Koda – Black Phantom AussieDoodle
Congrats to: Lindsey and family from Alpharetta, GA on this Girl
"As we approach miss Koda’s 1st birthday, we wanted to give you an update on our beautiful pup and thank you for the experience!
Koda is definitely the smartest dog I’ve ever met. She’s cuddly and sweet. She absolutely loves to be outside and loves walks/runs. She’s a very curious girl, even her normal walk/run routes provide ample opportunity for new adventures. She loves chasing birds and is hopeful one day she’ll find a way to get one. Koda loves her family and is so patient even with her two youngest human brothers who love to play chase with her.
I honestly couldn’t have hoped for a better dog. She’s still on the smaller side, but she’s grown well over the past year. Despite looking smaller, she can jump incredible heights. She goes to doggy day care once a week and they all laugh at how she jumps over all the barrier walls to get where she wants to be. She even flips when she jumps sometimes, which amazes us. She was so easy to house train and so easy to love. Koda and the cat still aren’t best friends, though everyday Koda tries her best to win the cat over! We are so happy she is part of our family!"