Willow X Humphrey F1 AussieDoodle Puppies

Estimated Size: 15-25lbs

Born: August 6, 2021

Go Home Dates: October 1, 2021 to October 7, 2021

Limited puppy nanny flights, please inquire ahead

Raised by: Jennifer in Kennesaw, Georgia

Willow, 15 lb Australian Shepherd

Humphrey, 24 lb Poodle


MaikoPhantom Blue Merle AussieDoodle

Congrats to: Benny and family from West Hills, CA on this Girl

blue merle phantom aussiedoodle puppy with pumpkins

Georgia (Georgie) GracePhantom Blue Merle AussieDoodle

Congrats to: Anne and family from Houston, Texas on this Girl

"Thanks so much for all the updates along the way. They have been super helpful!! Georgia (Georgie) Grace is doing great! She is just the best dog! She is very social, loves all people and dogs. We have gone to quite a few outings with lots of people and she’s done really well. She’s very brave and willing to try anything. In the training department she is truly amazing. I knew she would be smart but she picks up on things MUCH quicker than I every imagined. We have sit down, and rollover and potty training is at 99.9% with doggie door and going out all on her own. We are working on come when called (with distractions) and she could play center field for any MLB team!! She looooves balls and will play forever just fetching and bringing back. We have enrolled in puppy school and had our first lesson last week and she was top of the class! I couldn’t be happier with her. Thanks for all the tips along the way!"

Poppy JoyBlack Phantom AussieDoodle

Congrats to: Marilynn and family from Palm Harbor, FL on this Girl