Nancy - Nancy and her Michigan Raised AussieDoodles
Kim and I have raised alpacas since 2006. We have shown them all around the country. We stumbled upon the AwesomeDoodle website when we were researching, smaller yet athletic and smart dogs. A couple of my family members have aussies. We found them beautiful and fascinating but we didn’t know there were smaller ones. So went to Louisville to visit Penny, she was offered as a guardian. We were smitten by her. She is funny and silly and so smart, we had to have her for our own!
We found our mini aussie girl, Sunshine shortly after we had Penny. They quickly became the best of friends! Sunshine will also become an AwesomeDoodle momma. Our girls and Hugo love running around the farm, playing ball and chasing the kitty. While we are outside all day, they enjoy playing, as long is the day long. They also love people who come to visit our farm, especially the kids who seldom tire of throwing their ball. We raise aussie doodles because we believe in these awesome dogs and we want to complete families who are looking for their own special pup!
Nancy's Pets:*
*Some pets may live in their furever homes with other families. Read about our guardian program here.