Susan’s Toy size Aussiepoos - Raising the cutest mini AussieDoodles in Louisville, KY
Susan raises her AussieDoodles in Louisville, KY, just 90 minutes from Cincinnati, OH. Susan isn’t just part of the AwesomeDoodle Family, she has her own AwesomeDoodle from Winnie X Ares. Sophie is one of the most popular dogs on our website, as she is the star of several training videos. Susan lives just a mile from Tom, practically in the same neighborhood. Susan’s passion for her dogs is apparent as soon as you walk in her house. She has 3 dogs, but only one will be an AwesomeDoodle mom.
Susan is a retired nurse and worked in the ICU for newborn babies her entire career. With several “human” deliveries under her belt, her nurturing instinct takes over with these little wuppies.
Susan’s Toy size Aussiepoos's Pets:*
*Some pets may live in their furever homes with other families. Read about our guardian program here.