Real Puppy reviews at AwesomeDoodle.

Searching for the best AussieDoodle or BerneDoodle breeders?

You may be overwhelmed by tons of website doodle jargon, like F1 and F1B and Multi-generation. While we encourage you to read up on AwesomeDoodle to see how we raise our puppies, you don’t have to take our word for it. Read some of the reviews from our POO puppy owners below.

Looking for the perfect family dog?

When it’s time to pick a non shedding dog also a perfect family companion, families all over the USA are taking a second look at the AussieDoodle and BerneDoodle. Their inquisitive personality and dreamy eyes will make you melt, but they will also surprise you with their athletic ability to catch frizbees, swim, jog, or pretty much anything you can think of.


Congrats to: Heidi and family from Brookings, Oregon on this Black Tri-Color F1 AussieDoodle puppy.

"Enzo is doing great! My three year old cockapoo is getting more exercise than ever! Enzo is learning sit and come. He has work to do with coming when called. He is sweet and learning good manners! He loves to chase and play with my older dog. He is a joy!!"



Congrats to: Kathryn and family from Parkland, FL on this Phantom Blue Merle F1 AussieDoodle puppy.

"We chose the name Sparkle before our puppy arrived. When we realized how sweet she is, we renamed her Angel. This being our first pup, it is hard to believe how sweet and well behaved she is. She truly is our little Angel. We are grateful for the joy that Angel inspires in us and in everyone she meets. The VIP information on the Awesome Doodle site has been a big help with bringing Angel into our home, and in training us how to be Angel's people. Many thanks to the Awesome Doodle Family!"


Congrats to: Angie and family from Charlestown, MA on this Black Phantom F1 AussieDoodle puppy.

"Our Pickles is the LOVE OF OUR LIFE. I've never met a more calm, well behaved, loving and BEAUTIFUL puppy. He melts everyone's heart who meets him. He's playful and fun outside with other puppies and calm, sweet and cuddly inside with EVERYONE!! We are beyond grateful for this perfect little angel."

bernedoodle and baby


Congrats to: Amanda and family from Middletown, CT on this Black Tri-Color F1 BerneDoodle puppy.

"Indie is very smart. She is goofy. Indie is calm and loving. She is great with children and other dogs."



Congrats to: Tyera and family from Baltimore, MD on this Black Phantom F1 AussieDoodle puppy.

"Snickers is BRILLIANT! At 21 weeks, he is already house broken. He knows how to tell me that he wants to go outside, he wakes me up at the same time each morning (give or take a few minutes) by hitting me with his paws, and also knows to use the pee pad if I don't get him outside on time. Snickers is crate trained but can also be left alone in the house for a couple of hours at a time. He knows where is toy box is and where he is allowed to sleep. Snickers does know some basic commands like "sit", "stay", and "wait". He is also making good progress with the "heel" command when walking."



Congrats to: Tara and family from Plantation, FL on this Phantom Blue Merle F1 AussieDoodle puppy.

"Maverick is almost 9 months old! I can’t even believe it! His puppy hair is growing out and looks like he is getting or has his adult coat! He is still doing training, twice a week, doing off the leash training! He is literally a dream dog! We could not be happier. He brings us all so much joy!"

blue merle aussiedoodle with white and copper puppy


Congrats to: Tracy and family from Kiowa, CO on this Blue Merle w/White F1 AussieDoodle puppy.

"We’ve had our Aussiedoodle home now for 3 ½ weeks and he is super smart and doing great! He’s only had 2 accidents in the house since the day we came home otherwise he’s 100% outside or in the litter box if we are not fast enough. Enzo has learned sit, look, let’s go, leash, off, his name and here with success about 95% of the time even off leash and under distraction. He rarely jumps on us even when he’s excited. Chewing on everything to chewing on appropriate things got about 90% better in the first week as we just replaced inappropriate items with appropriate ones. Crate training is great, occasionally a wine or two when we first go to bed, but typically he puts himself to bed around 9:00, he gets a small playpen with a litter box and 2 toys in his crate and we don’t hear a peep until 6am, then he’s positive it’s time to get up. He takes naps in his crate during the day with the door shut and if I need to run an errand or go outside he stays in his crate, when I return he is just lying there settled. We are working on go to your bed on command and staying off the furniture…he struggles a bit with these two. He loves loves the blowdryer and thinks it’s a game when the air hits his face he bites it, he does pretty well with baths and grooming and is getting better every time. He is a little shy about new things but very quickly watches for a minute, then approaches and checks them out, decides they are OK and moves on, we rarely have to re-visit anything that was scary initially. He’s very calm, smart and well adjusted, we’ve had so much fun so far with him…he’s actually a little too smart for us sometimes!"


Congrats to: Tim and family from Washington, DC on this Black Phantom F1 AussieDoodle puppy.

"These emails have been so helpful - thank you! Bowery is doing great! We just started working 1:1 with a trainer who comes once a week. Bowery is a very fast learner and also “very food motivated” :) according to our trainer. He got his final round of shots last week and we are excited to take him to the dog park soon to run without a leash and also (selectively) play with other puppies. Bowery hates cold weather and rain. On those days he would prefer to be a house cat. He has shown awesome athleticism - he is incredibly fast and a great jumper. We have a lot of dogs in our building and he’s getting to know many of them. He also has a mini Goldendoodle “cousin” who he loves to torment / play with. The first few weeks were a tough adjustment to puppy life, but these emails made a big difference. Thank you so much! We love Bowery and are so happy we brought him into our life."

Zuko (Zuzu)

Congrats to: Brooklynn and family from Tulsa, OK on this Blue Merle w/ White & Copper F1 AussieDoodle puppy.

"I thought I'd send a little update because we are very proud of our little Zuko! He is sleeping peacefully through the night, mostly only pottying outside, and has learned his name, Sit, Wait, Come, Down, and is currently learning how to sit and wait at doors instead of bolting out ahead of us. He's also been to Lowe's and Pet Smart a few times and has had a few playdates with other dogs. Thank you for all the helpful resources, we've learned so much from your videos and articles! I just wanted to send an update! We love AwesomeDoodle and already recommend adopting dogs through y'all to everyone we know, haha!"

black tri colored aussiedoodle puppy

Sparky Miguel

Congrats to: Paola and family from Ypsilanti , Michigan on this Black Tri-Color F1 AussieDoodle puppy.

"Sparky is doing great! He is pretty good at sit, stay and focus (eye contact), he’s also loving his crate and learning how to ring a bell for potty breaks ❤️, he is so smart! We are doing online training and so far so good, still trying to teach him some leash skills that’s what he struggles the most but we are on it!"


Congrats to: David and Robin and family from Centennial, CO on this Black Tri-Color F1 AussieDoodle puppy.

"Welcome to our home sweet little Buster. He is so smart. He came potty trained! Thank you Dana for your special care."



Congrats to: Emily and family from Collegeville, PA on this Red Tri-Color F1 AussieDoodle puppy.

"First off, thank you for making the process of getting a puppy (a first for our family—we have never had a dog) so enjoyable. Second, the guides and videos, suggestions of toys/treats/crates were invaluable. And lastly, thank you for giving us the missing piece to our family puzzle. My husband and I have one daughter, now 9. We fell into our routine and were very happy just being the “three musketeers”. It’s a hard transition to go from your uninterrupted daily schedule of 3 to having a puppy (aka newborn). But we literally can’t imagine what life without her would be like. She’s SUCH A GOOD DOG!!!!! We stuck to all your advice and training and everyone says she’s a polite puppy with a BIG personality. Nauset does her commands flawlessly (sit, stay, “more”—taps our knee with nose instead of jumping for food)—unless she’s mad about something then she acts a tad sassy which is still cute?. But she loves us too much to hold onto it. She is absolutely gorgeous—we get stopped daily and asked where we got her and always point them in your direction. Most of all, Nauset knows we are her people and she is our family—we would do anything for her. We love her so much and she shows us love everyday. My daughter got her fur sister and Nauset has completed our family without a doubt."


Congrats to: Diane and family from Queen Creek, Arizona on this Black Phantom F1 AussieDoodle puppy.

"After an 18 hr round trip?? journey, Rae is home ?? Can’t say enough about Diane and Morgan?? Rae is confident, a snuggler, smart as heck and full of vim and vigor (lots of positive energy?) Couldn’t ask for for a sweeter puppy and a better experience! Makes the waiting well worth it!!" - Diane

phantom aussiedoodle f1b puppy

Sgt Pepper

Congrats to: Leslie and family from Saint Petersburg, FL on this Black Phantom F1b AussieDoodle puppy.

"I had a great experience with Awesome Doodle and with Martha. I think it's great how this website can connect you to family breeders around the country who you know are going to provide a loving childhood home for the puppies to grow up in during some of the most pivotable weeks of their lives. I loved being able to see my puppy in the web cam and had it open as often as I could. My coworkers and I would watch it at work, trying to figure out which puppy was mine. By the time I went to pick up my puppy, I knew all the dogs by name. Sgt Pepper loves people more than anything, and she loves to cuddle. She was timid at first, but has become brave. We go swimming at the beach, kayaking, and playing at the park. She has beautiful copper markings that are getting more visible as she gets older. She weighs around 20 pounds and has gotten nice long poodle legs. She is full of personality and life. She is such a great dog and worth the wait."


Congrats to: Teresa and family from Plymouth, MI on this Black Bi-Color F1b AussieDoodle puppy.

"Simply stated—she’s absolutely amazing! It’s incredible how quickly she’s adapted to her new surroundings. She does a wonderful job sitting, will lay down and come when called. She’s also doing a great job playing catch with us. She gets into her bed willingly and hasn’t cried once and from the second night home, she’s slept all night! Her vet appt went great and the dr and nurse immediately fell in love with this baby girl. She definitely gets puppy crazy time and has an affection for shoelaces and anything else we don’t want her to have haha We expend her energy by playing fetch and working with her on walking with a leash on. We also have several treat puzzles that she loves. She’s also mesmerized by the tv and will sit quietly and watch for several minutes. We couldn’t be more happy with this sweet girl and are so thankful that Awesome Doodle and Shannon gave her such a wonderful start."


Congrats to: Marilyn and family from Columbia, TN on this Phantom Blue Merle F1 AussieDoodle puppy.

"We picked up our puppy yesterday. She has had an easy transition to our home. Put her in the kennel last night. Nancy played classical rest music at night, so we played the same thing. Within five minutes, she calmed and went to sleep. Took her to the vet and pet store today. Everyone she meets says she is beautiful. They also comment on how sweet and laidback her personality is. No accidents so far. The only time she didn’t get outside was my fault, so she used the litter box. What an Awesome Doodle. Thank you to everyone who helped us with getting Bella. Even when I was crazy puppy mama-to-be you were very helpful. I want to especially thank Nancy as she did a great job raising these puppies."

black phantom aussiedoodle puppy


Congrats to: Karley and family from Chicago, IL on this Black Phantom F1 AussieDoodle puppy.

"Hello, thank you so much for all of your support along the way! Bean is so, so perfect and we cannot imagine our life without her. Overall Bean has just done such an amazing job, and we fully credit AwesomeDoodle! Diane and Morgan started her off with such an amazing foundation, and all of the training videos and informational materials have helped us continue to support her growth. I have friends who got a puppy the same time we got Bean and hearing their struggles with potty training alone made me feel so grateful to have gone through awesome doodle. We would truly have had no clue what to do without you!" - Karley

black phantom aussiedoodle puppy with white


Congrats to: Sophia and Family from New York City, NY on this Black Phantom F1 AussieDoodle puppy.

"I wanted to send you guys another small update on our sweet boy Blue aka Roku! He’s doing so well and has gotten huge! He is now 37 pounds and has a ton of hair. He loves doing tricks and was so easy to train, he is now fully trained. My personal favorite trick he does is “bang” or play dead. It’s so sweet when he rolls over and lies down. He loves playing fetch and chasing after a stick or ball or really anything thrown away from him. He’s a big fan of the ocean but not so much the pool. When we bring him to the beach he runs straight for the water and splashes around. He’s also very much a city dog and loves exploring the streets of New York City. His best friend is actually a Great Dane puppy who lives next door to us and they can play for hours on end. Blue is such a cuddly puppy and loves to roll onto his back and receive rubs. He also loves being brushed and always gets excited when I take out his hair brush. He loves treats, especially beaf and for some reason also adores receiving a cube of ice. He will try to bite at it and usually it will roll on the ground which he will then chase after it until he manages to get a hold of it. He’s an amazing dog and we are so grateful to you guys. He also has an Instagram if you ever want more photo updates on how he’s doing! It’s called blue_boy_the_aussiedoodle."

black tuxedo aussiedoodle puppy in bandana


Congrats to: Kim and family from High View, WV on this Black Tuxedo F1b AussieDoodle puppy.

"It's hard to believe we've had Sestra for 9 weeks already. It's been a lot of fun watching the dynamic between her and Hemi and they've fast become the best of buds. It's been amazing getting a second AwesomeDoodle. The challenges I had with Hemi are virtually non-existent with Sestra, and I give Hemi all of the credit for that as he is the one that takes the brunt of Sestra's puppy crazy time and incessant biting. Hemi has been a real trooper and because he's the one to burn off her energy, she's quite the lovable, calm, snuggle bug with us. It's been absolutely great. Her training has gone extremely well and I'm still shocked at how well she listens for a 4 month old puppy. I attribute this to Hemi as he seems to have taught her the cues to the behaviors we're expecting. She has a fantastic "sit" and "down", a very strong "leave it", "stay" and "release" and a pretty good "come" (excellent without distractions, and pretty decent when outdoors with distractions). She understands and complies with "off" and "enough" (used to calm her when she becomes exceptionally rowdy with Hemi) and is spectacular with our "no bite" command which has prevented many holes in us, Hemi, and our blankets! She's been taught to ring bells to both go out and to come back in and she's been consistently utilizing them for several weeks now. She's only met a few other dogs so far and was a little timid with my sister's humongous 100+ pound golden retriever and incredibly tall and rambunctious mixed breed shepherd, but after her initial reluctance, she was accepting, if not fully appreciative, of their attention. She absolutely loves people and her little tail starts wagging when she sees people even at a distance. She's a wonderful traveler and has adapted fabulously to traveling and living in our camper. She rides on our ATV with us and did absolutely great on a recent trip to an ATV park; she wasn't scared at all of the noise and commotion and would just wag her tail when other people rode by. She has developed a respectful relationship with my chickens and is able to mingle with them while they're free ranging. Stuart the Rooster has accepted her into his flock and she has a healthy understanding of which hens prefer she stays further away so she wisely keeps her distance from them. :) We couldn't be happier with her and we're so glad we decided to get a second AD. She has a great personality, she's a nice size, she's been a wonderful friend for Hemi, and a lovable and attentive companion for us. We love her to death and pray she lives a super long and healthy life with us and her big brother, Hemi Doodle. I also wanted to let you know that our second experience with AwesomeDoodle was even better than the first (this time we got to watch the puppy cam!!) so thank you for being a wonderful resource and a great breeder. A special thanks to Michelle and Mark who we have no doubt influenced the snuggly personality and foundational training for Sestra. You guys rock!"

blue merle aussiedoodle with kid


Congrats to: Kathy and family from DeKalb, Illinois on this Blue Merle w/ White & Copper F1 AussieDoodle puppy.

"Cody is 7 months old and is the smartest most loving dog I have ever owned! He has sailed through puppy and advanced puppy class and is now working on Canine Good Citizen! We are hoping to take him all the way to become a therapy dog!"


Congrats to: Kreg and family from Belleair Beach, FL on this Black Tri-Color F1 AussieDoodle puppy.

"It’s been a while, but I wanted to acknowledge the incredible experience we had with your Awesome Doodle team and the fabulous care and environment Nancy provided the litter that gave us Tango. He is an amazing puppy and has become a vital part of our family. Thank you for all you do!"

black phantom aussiedoodle puppy with haircut


Congrats to: Paula and family from Noblesville, IN on this Black Phantom F1 AussieDoodle puppy.

"Just wanted to let you know Tessa is amazing…. 25 pounds of sweetness. Well behaved, gentle, loves any age people and dogs. Easy to train. Silly and goofy… We can’t write enough of what joy she had brought to us. We would recommend Darla puppies and AwesomeDoodle with confidence."


River MKC

Congrats to: Kimberly and family from Noblesville, IN on this Blue Merle w/White F1 AussieDoodle puppy.

"AwesomeDoodle changed the way I view the process of having an adorable new baby join my family. AwesomeDoodle dotted all the I’s and crossed all the T’s with every step of the way being a meticulous journey. The entire experience was stellar and allowed me to bond to my new baby before ever bringing him home. The 24/7 customer service and webcam put my mind at ease as I anxiously waited for my turn to have him in my arms. The personalized weekly photos and videos from my reputable breeder permitted me to see his transformation and growth. I was also thrilled that AwesomeDoodle promoted and established training and care after I pick up my baby. The entire experience was outstanding and one that reassured me that I made the right decision. Thank you for the gift of my baby River, he is the love of my life."

aussiedoodle puppy blue merle with white and copper in the fall


Congrats to: Tony and family from Brunswick, Ohio on this Blue Merle w/ White & Copper F1 AussieDoodle puppy.

"We welcomed home little Ellie today. She is everything we had hoped for ? and Dana did an amazing job with these pups."



Congrats to: Elizabeth and family from Manhattan, New York on this Blue Merle w/ White & Copper F1 AussieDoodle puppy.

"We hope you’re well! We just wanted to say thank you and update you that Lincoln is doing great! He is such a sweet and calm little love, with of course healthy bursts of fun and adorable puppy play. We can absolutely see that he was very well taught to keep all four paws on the ground, to be calm around kiddos and all people, and to potty outside or in the litter box, although he definitely prefers outside. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

blue merle aussiedoodle puppy in Christmas dress


Congrats to: Ron and family from Fort Wayne, Indiana on this Blue Merle w/White F1 AussieDoodle puppy.

"Pebbles is just over 20 pounds at 16 weeks. Hopefully, the rate of weight gain slows and she ends in that 35 to 45 pound range. She is now sleeping later, 9 to 7 as opposed to 9 to 4 or 5. She has been excellent in her nighttime crate, with any accidents from day one! She understands poops go outside, occasionally in the pine pellet tray, but peeing in the house is still a problem (luckily we have hard surface flooring and not carpet). We occasionally put her in her daytime crate and go out for short periods and she does great and just quietly naps. She likes to chew on a small squeaky toy. Sometimes we’ll throw it and she has learned to bring it back and drop it for a treat. Another favorite is knocking around an empty 1 litter soda bottle. She’ll run into it a bump it around, trying and trying to get ahold of it. For socialization we often bring her to several of the stores that are pet friendly. We get her together occasionally with dogs we know. We are also looking forward for her 4th shot next week so we can broaden exposure. She is very smart and picks up on things like sitting and waiting. Except when she’s overly excited or has the zoomies. We have two food puzzle games that she likes. She also has a ball that treats drop out of that didn’t take long for her to figure out about rolling it around."

blue merle aussiedoodle puppy with pink speckled nose


Congrats to: Azalea and family from Palmetto Bay, FL on this Blue Merle w/ White & Copper F1 AussieDoodle puppy.

"Thank you so much for all the tips & info.. it has helped so much. We truly appreciate it and AwesomeDoodle is absolutely amazing. I already told the fam “we should think of getting another one” lol Blue is doing amazing, he is growing by the day!! A little out of hand with the barking but thanks to the Facebook group I've gotten great advice that seems to be working. Your pups are smart too!"

phantom bernedoodle after groom with bright copper and white


Congrats to: Christine and family from Belfast, ME on this Black Phantom BerneDoodle F1 BerneDoodle puppy.

"Beppo is doing so great. Some of his favorite things: sticks, the first moment when he sees me in the morning, hikes with the family, laying outside on the back deck or in the yard. Dislikes: doesn’t have many! He’s so happy go lucky! He does sometimes barf in the car, but it’s not a big deal. Socializing: Beppo comes with us wherever we go, he’s just part of the family. He is so well adjusted that when we had our fire alarm system go off at 1am, he didn’t bark, howl or act scared. He’s happy to meet other dogs, people, etc. And he finally doesn’t whine in the car! How he’s smart: Beppo is just so intuitive. He knows when he’s done something we aren’t happy about, like chew on the baseboards, and usually comes right over and sits down almost like an apology. That said, he’s almost 100% potty trained, and has had only one accident this week. He likes to be “off leash” in the yard, which he was trying to tell me by carrying his leash in his mouth. At first I thought he was just teething or being obnoxious, but when I let the leash down, he started trotting proudly beside me, head held high. I was curious and walked away from him, turned around, called him to come, and he came flying back to me, leash in mouth, did a lap around me and sat down for a treat. It’s now a game of recall that we play together. He sits, lies down, stays, does look at me, is getting so good at leave it, and we can’t wait to teach him more in his upcoming training classes. We will try to shoot a video of his awesomeness soon! I can’t say thank you enough for this wonderful creature. He has brought such joy to our family!"



Congrats to: Patricia and family from Brunswick, MD on this Black Phantom F1 AussieDoodle puppy.

"Thank you so much for the continued support and information! Adley is doing so well and starting puppy classes tomorrow! We have been thrilled with how sweet he is and how quickly he adjusted to the routines of our home! It will be fun to introduce him to some new puppies and continue learning basic training techniques! We have been keeping up with you training suggestions as well, which has been a huge help! Thank you again for helping us bring this perfect addition into our home! We are grateful!

blue merle aussiedoodle with white and copper and one blue eye


Congrats to: Samantha and family from Trumbull, CT on this Blue Merle w/ White & Copper F1 AussieDoodle puppy.

"Cooper is doing great with his commands! He is crazy smart and will do just about anything for his chicken treats lol. He definitely tests us with his crazy puppy time though. Lately if we tell him “off” or “no” or “leave it” when he’s biting on something he’s not supposed to he goes ballistic and growls/barks and bites at us. We know it’s not forever but those sharp little teeth sure do hurt! But he is such a love and truly a good boy when he’s not acting like a maniac. We couldn’t be more thankful to Natalie and Kris for the wonderful work they did from the get go with him!"

phantom aussiedoodle puppy with white points


Congrats to: Annie and family from Wantagh, NY on this Black Phantom F1 AussieDoodle puppy.

"First week in the books with Mowgli!! He’s such a smart, fun, cuddly little man. Feeling so lucky to have him, especially during these times❣️" - Annie

black tri aussiedoodle on walk with human


Congrats to: Sarah and family from New Smyrna Beach, FL on this Black Tri-Color F1 AussieDoodle puppy.

"Luna is a cuddle bug. She loves people more than anything. She loves her snacks more than her meals. She has no boundaries and does not respect ours. Luna changed our lives for the better."

black tri aussiedoodle puppy playing


Congrats to: Traci and family from California on this Black Bi-Color F1 AussieDoodle puppy.

"Loving all these tips! Our Luna is doing amazing - she is the sweetest pup, and it seems she got mama Sydney’s calm nature, yet also a bit of spunk! We love her so much and couldn’t be happier - thank you!!"



Congrats to: Julie and family from Huntsville, AL on this Phantom Blue Merle F1 AussieDoodle puppy.

"Here is our sweet Mei Mei. It is hard to believe she will be 2 in October. She is fun, goofy and loves to play! She has been a wonderful addition to our family."


Congrats to: Patti and family from Driftwood, Texas on this Blue Merle w/White F1 AussieDoodle puppy.

"Thank you so much for all the videos and pictures. This girl has my heart! They do such a good job with these pups and it shows in the temperament of BluBelle. It definitely makes it easier for me. Please tell Michelle thanks for us! BluBelle adjusted so well to us and our home today!"

phantom blue merle aussiedoodle puppy with marble blue eyes


Congrats to: Rachel and family from Hoboken, NJ on this Phantom Blue Merle F1 AussieDoodle puppy.

"Kobi is the sweetest dog ever. He is so smart - consistently ringing the bells and tells us when he needs to go outside to go potty. He is so amazing. We love him to pieces. He also loves toddlers and babies!!! Every single little kid he sees he runs up to say hi to! It’s adorable. And every single person he meets he also runs up to say hello to! The most friendly guy in town!"

phantom aussiedoodle puppy on leash


Congrats to: Chelsea and family from Chicago, IL on this Black Phantom F1 AussieDoodle puppy.

"We love our Izzo so much! We couldn’t be happier with AwesomeDoodle and their transparency, communication and organization. We picked him up at 7 weeks and he already had great eye contact and was very good at sitting. He quickly learned how to lay down and roll over. We crate trained him and he was very easy to potty train. He is very loving and food motivated. Still working on extended stay and leaving sticks and things we don’t want him to pick up. He is now 18 weeks old and 16 pounds! Thank you so much for this awesome puppy!"


Congrats to: Wendy and family from Humble, Texas on this Black Phantom F1b AussieDoodle puppy.

"Twix Thunderpaw is the cutest little busybody around. He is learning how to walk on a leash without tripping us left and right....definitely a work in progress ? but he’s mastered sit, down, and shake. Smart little guy (Thank you Martha❣️)"